Saturday 1 July 2017
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Expert committee constituted to revisit IAS exam pattern: Dr. Jitendra Singh

New Delhi:- Union Minister of State Dr. Jitendra Singh disclosed that as a follow-up to the decision taken by the government in the month...

Dr. Jitendra Singh addressing at the release of the e-book for the Ministry

New Delhi :-Minister of State for Development of North Eastern Region (Independent Charge), Prime Minister’s Office, Personnel, Public...

Albright Stonebridge Group offers collaboration in ‘Swachh Bharat’ campaign

New Delhi:-Albright Stonebridge Group headed by former US Secretary of State, Ms. Madeline K. Albright, has offered to collaborate in the...

Dr. Jitendra Singh inaugurates Afro-Asian conclave on diabetic children

New Delhi:-  Dr. Jitendra singh  inaugurated Afro-Asian conclave on diabetic children, here today. Minister of State in his inaugural...